Introducing Langchain library

AI Maverick
3 min readJun 25, 2023


Langchain is an innovative Python library specifically designed to enhance the efficiency of working with extensive language models.


LangChain is a framework designed for developing applications that leverage the power of language models. It offers a set of abstractions and implementations for working with language models, allowing developers to connect these models to external data sources and enable them to interact with their environment. The framework emphasizes modularity and ease of use, providing components that can be customized or combined to create off-the-shelf chains for specific tasks. These chains serve as structured assemblies of components, simplifying the development process for common use cases. Additionally, LangChain provides interfaces and integrations for various modules, including model I/O, data connection, chains, agents, memory, and callbacks. The library is supported by a growing ecosystem of tools, integrations, and resources, and developers can refer to the comprehensive API reference and community support channels to facilitate their development process.

LangChain Logo


In the subsequent section, we present a comprehensive overview of the installation process for the library, along with an introduction to the associated methodologies.


To install the minimum requirements of the library please follow the pip as

pip install langchain


conda install langchain -c conda-forge

When utilizing LangChain for language model applications, it is often necessary to integrate with various model providers, data stores, and APIs.

To begin, we need to install their Python package by running related commands

pip install openai

Accessing the API requires an API key, which can be obtained by creating an account and following the provided instructions. Once we have obtained the API key, we can set it as an environment variable using the command

export OPENAI_API_KEY='…'

Alternatively, the key can be passed directly via the openai_api_key named parameter when initiating the OpenAI LLM class. Now that we have the necessary setup, we can start building our language model application using the modules provided by LangChain. The fundamental building block of LangChain is the LLM (Language Model), which takes in text as input and generates more text as output.

Chat models allow for interactions through a “chat messages” format. We will explore the usage of chat models and their integration with LLMs. Finally, we will discuss the concept of prompt templates, which provide additional context for LLM applications, allowing users to input specific tasks without explicitly instructing the model.

The recommended sequence of concepts to acquire before engaging with Langchain entails familiarizing oneself with LLM, chat, Prompt, Chains, Agents, and Memory.


In LangChain, multiple Larg Language Models (LLM) models, including GPT, are encapsulated (wrapped) within a unified framework.

from langchain.llms import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI()

Chat models

Chat models are a specialized form of language models that operate on a distinct interface.


LLM applications do not directly feed user input into the LLM. Instead, they incorporate user input within a comprehensive text structure referred to as a prompt, which imparts supplementary context pertaining to the particular task under consideration.


In Langchain, chainsprovide a mechanism to connect (or chain) multiple components such as models, prompts, and other chains together.


Agents dynamically select actions based on inputs. Agents utilize a language model to determine the appropriate actions to take and their sequence.

To initialize an agent, you must make the following selections:

  • LLM/Chat model: The language model that powers the agent.
  • Tool(s): Functions that perform specific tasks such as Google Search, Database lookup, Python REPL, or other chains.
  • Agent name: A string that refers to a supported agent class.


It is essential to reference and consider past interactions. This becomes particularly evident in the case of a chatbot, where understanding new messages in the context of previous messages is crucial.

The Memory module provides a mechanism for maintaining the application state.


Langchain library is an innovative Python framework designed to enhance the efficiency of working with extensive language models. It provides developers with a comprehensive set of abstractions, implementations, and components for building applications that leverage the power of language models. Langchain emphasizes modularity and ease of use, allowing developers to connect language models to external data sources and create structured assemblies of components for specific tasks.

Langchain offers a comprehensive solution for working with language models, providing developers with the tools and resources they need to build efficient and powerful language model applications.

